“A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein goodreads.com
Well I stand by the notion that very statement will stand forever and is the essence of delusion which seems to have much of America in it’s grip. According to Jack Lew on This Week with George Stephanopoulos the country can’t afford self -inflicted wounds. Well I challenge isn’t that exactly what America has proven to be best at, self inflicted wounds, the many growing state of affairs that prompted this blog, 21st Century Suicide Watch; you get it now? As always there are just so many awful headlines screaming from the last several months, from what may well become known for this decade as “The Verdict” to the NSA surveillance practices, to the latest string of bad acts from the usual suspects of professional elected perverts, to another summer of the bad boys of baseball.
What a fine mess we’ve made. So much for human progress, oh that’s right in fact Chris Hedges did refer to it as a “myth” in his Truth Dig op-ed piece earlier this year “The Myth of Human Progress” As it turns out, or so to me there’s much substance to that hypothesis found more and more every day and in some respect among the many corridors of American life is starting to look like a 21st century Greek tragedy. Human progress huh, so therein lies the hook of a sick joke right? Progress? what kind and whose version? And this is the totalitarian rat hole citizens are demanded to be proud of. And yet it appears it’s questionable thought to others as well for one respondent to the question posed by Creative Loafing to readers July 4th issue “Why do you love America? So me thinks not so much when the one lone voice in the wilderness called back “They want us to love it? Give us something to love,“‘Brian Easterwood at facebook.com/clatl. Well I suppose under the guise of some standards when comparing existence to that one step above a gutter as are many third world countries I guess we should be proud of this cluster fuck!
New York recently convicted a former police officer for essentially what would be considered grievous offenses against man-kind in heinous plot to kidnap women and dine on their “girl meat.”‘ Well as I mentioned in part one metaphorically speaking many Americans might well also be convicted of that behavior given the state of things nation wide and it’s actually part a much more deeply disturbing character flaw many carry. A segment months ago on Nightline “Guns To Go” for instance included statistics that pointed to the United States as the most heavily armed nation in the world. And we seem to be picking up the pace on human sex-child trafficking for according to report last month in U.S. New&World Report figures from Shared Hope International it is a 9.8 billion domestic industry in America with numbers up-towards 100, 000 being used; sounds very profitable the very thing we Americans worship right? Profit by any means necessary! Hold now I’m getting to the big, big picture first I must lay the groundwork so there won’t be any confusion. So all this said who is always leading the charge for freedom in America also by any and all means right? Look in the mirror remember, but not so fast I told you it was much bigger than that, so much more than race though it does start there. But by the time I’m finished laying it out you won’t be able to utter a word in defense because I will so narrow the focus, and now even others are starting to own up to, so I gladly see I’m not alone. I mean for God’s sake I’m really not a rocket scientist, and not much of a liar either I just call it as it is, but you know of course that truth thing isn’t thought much of around these here parts in um AmeriKa. So onto this ongoing conversation on race relations in this alleged post racist country given what may become as I mentioned earlier, the social experiment election of a black president, this in the wake of the acquittal last month of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
Well on Bill Maher recently former Republican Congressman, Fl Connie Mack answering the question posed by panelist did he think racial issues exists in America or not. His reply was “of course it does I think you’d have to put your head in the sand if you think it wasn’t there the fact that we’re having this debate we’re having right now says it’s there and to ignore it does more of a disservice than to to take it on” “I think it’ uncomfortable for everybody but I think alot of topics are uncomfortable if we don’t talk about em we’re not…..”‘ So how’ that for naked truth, because prior to that everything out if the government’ mouth, especially some whites were blacks were just paranoid. But I guess that’s why I always thought well okay of him, well best not mention that with where I’m going to go with this in calling a spade a spade. And then we had the continuous lies of the many of the boys of summer of Major League Baseball, though we won’t dwell long on this for sake of the bigger picture, with so many juiced was there ever a time when all were clean, have they committed a reversal where being a pure, natural athlete is the anomaly. Pretty much how I feel everyday feeling like the only sane person in a well of psychos which has seemingly become the standard.
And last but not least the latest with the San Diego Mayor and Mr. Wiener both entitlement babies of their own but more on that shortly for I’ve got a profile since much (not all) of the country seems to be obsessed with it and all for everybody and it will better than you could have thought, and in this case true. Stay tuned.