SOME NAKED TRUTH – THE BLESSED NATION I pondered this for days, following Hannity’ probably starry-eyed proclamation fawning on his radio show over “our blessed nation” Hence the lateness but a blessed nation huh? Please do tell. Well I’ll tell you what, I can because before I follow in lock-step with every other word from so called various apparent mouths of GOD on the hill as it were, I speak in hushed tones for I recall much of the truth the country drags from it’ shameful past. I don’t sweep it under the rugs of history, feigning ignorance or that oft use term “I have no recollection of that” So on the country marches, the various current outcries of the last month, the U.S.’ fall to fifth on the list of World’ Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, continued high unemployment; fading relevance is a tough pill to swallow when you’ve been the biggest swinging , d#%&, well you know what I mean, on the landscape for so long. Perhaps might be accurate assessment that the entire global community is on watch for the continued internal meltdown from a mighty nation’ self inflicted wounds, because surely this dismantling may yet re-write history. So let’s venture down a lane or two take a look at what such a “blessed nation” really has done to in essence earn it’ crown. The last several months more badges of honor the U.S. asics soldes totes around in it’s hip pocket was revealed to the world when a presidential panel disclosed, what was described as shocking, and unseemly details of U.S. medical experiments done on over 5,000 involuntary human guinea pigs in Guatemala in the 1940’s. Amongst of which included re-infecting a dying woman in a gruesome syphilis experiment. I was neither shocked nor dismayed as many might have been for I only look around everyday and see the results, the blueprint laid many, many years ago. asics soldes The country did not suddenly wake up and decide to embrace evil, it’s more, if you will a genetic imprint, but you know us and that truth thing; country isn’t known for being capable of tending it’ dirty laundry very well. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the experiments as “clearly unethical” and while aptly put and most apropos, she probably doesn’t acknowledge much by way of the underbelly of American history for it would have told her this is not new to the country but in fact a matter of just how it conducts it’ business. Simply put part of the true nature and character of America. oakley homme pas cher Apparently the country’ power brokers auctioned us off a long time ago dating back to one of the early episodes of crawling in bed with evil from what was naturally revealed in Vietnam as use of the herbicide Agent Orange created by a tag team of Dow Chemical and the Monsanto Corporation at the behest of the U.S. Department of Defense. And so follows the pattern of America’ blueprint. In 1906 a Harvard Professor, Dr. Richard Strong infected prisoners in the Philippines with cholera to study the disease, 13 of them did not survive, a bargain I suppose by U.S. nike outlet standards. And he did though at least compensate the others with cigars and cigarettes. As it turns it was this experiment that apparently earned the U.S. admirers from across the water, say drawing rave reviews in Nazi Germany for during the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi doctors hailed this program as a precursor to their own medical experiments. I suppose just another example of the U.S. earning it’ stripes leading the way, always the leader we are. In 1915 a Dr. Joseph Goldberger was directed by the U.S. Public Health Office to produce Pellagra, a crippling disease that targeted the central nervous system using 12 Mississippi inmates. nike pas cher And in 1935 following the deaths of millions of American citizens, the director of the U.S. Public Health Office finally acknowledged that officials, knowing for some time it was caused by a niacin deficiency, deliberately permitted it to spread because it was predominantly affecting African-Americans, positively Tuskegee-esque, or maybe more the current plague of the 21st century. Again during the Nuremberg Trials, America’ fans in Nazi Germany hailed this study as an explainer for their experiments on concentration camp inmates. adidas f50 A little infectious inspiration from the West across the wide expanse, encouragement to the Nazi cause. There ya go take a page from the good old U.S. Of A. In 1942 some twenty-two years prior to our more infamous atrocity, Agent Orange, apparently the U.S. ugg classic mini cheap first began getting it’s feet wet in the art of chemical warfare when it began performing mustard gas and lewisite experiments on over 4,000 members of the armed forces, our own as collateral damage. Apparently America was in turn so inspired by Germany’ use of chemical weapons during World War I that it was in 1918 President Wilson created the branch within the U.S. Army called the Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) to usher in the age of U.S. entry into chemical warfare. Ah what a cozy little love affair, I mean with such history preceding the country whose to say our pet dog of the eighties, that evil villain, Saddam Hussein didn’t also get his inspiration from his daddy in gassing his own people. You learn from the best right? In 1900 U.S. Army doctors assigned to the Philippines infected five Filipino prisoners with plague, withholding appropriate nutrition in order to create Beriberi in 29 prisoners, four of the subjects die. adidas tubular shadow Specifically according to commission from the U.S. Surgeon general, Dr. Walter Reed, me thinks this American hero has a building named after him, Dr. Reed ventured to Cuba on a mission, using 22 Spanish immigrant workers to verify yellow fever could be contracted through mosquito bites. In 1919 researchers in California began a chimera like foray when they performed grisly testicular transplant experiments on prisoners at San Quentin State, injecting testicles of recently executed prisoners and goats into the abdomens and scrotum’s of living prisoners. And how about our next American superstar, in 1931 a pathologist, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, from um-mm…… the prestigious Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research purposely infected human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer genes, 13 of them die. He is perhaps later rewarded when with obvious approval, permitted to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Utah, Maryland, and Panama, further invited to join the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; when he initiates a program of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers, and civilian hospital patients. Am I confused, stupid, or what I mean, and please understand that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, but isn’t this the modus operandi of countries we label as terrorists, mmmmm…… ugg shoe sale outlet just saying. I suppose perhaps I misunderstood for with a track record like that maybe Mr. Hannity was right we are blessed, to even still be alive and kicking. But like with every good thing and ala John Mellencamp’ Crumblin Down ah when “the walls come tumblin, tumblin down” Careful now the holes you dig for someone else might ultimately be your own. nike shoes uk Now, now no need for that type behavior, that certain day in infamy notwithstanding, in the 21st Century if someone really wants to get you so much easier to use you against you, can you say De-stablize your economy.

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