Apparently a deal is on the table, but suffice to say the high level theatrics we witnessed amongst the country’ so called leaders, while perhaps amusing to some of them, maybe thus far for many of us was the equivalent of watching a slow descent into a political style bar room brawl.  All of this while the well being of a nation in peril, wagered as leverage, hung in the balance.  The gravity of the situation struck such a chord from within the GOP, causing one of their own, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz to label some of the debt ceiling proposals from perhaps, shall we call them, the more fringe members; as “bizarro.”  I’ll do you one better how about the whole affair devolved into school yard shenanigans by a bunch of hooligans beating their chests.

While they continued chasing their tails, the clock continued to run.  Why not you consider this, how much of this sudden love affair with lowering the national debt is even real?  Help me understand where were the shrill cries of outrage when it first started climbing, and tell us did it just begin spiraling out of control three years ago, or maybe the hole was dug well before.   Some are capable of telling the truth for according to one of their own, the RedState’ Erik Erickson acknowledged on his July 21st radio show that the out of control spending spree did in fact start on George W. Bush’ watch.  Further describing on his July 28th show how “they didn’t stand up to the excesses of the Bush administration, ” Erick Erickson.

So where did this standoff’ feigned moral indignation leading to this eleventh hour compromise even come from.  How was it acceptable flushing billions of dollars down the drain on two wars, one of which now public knowledge should have never happened.  According to Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-GA lowering the tax rates will make corporations more competitive on the global markets, as opposed to record profits many are making now.    However as one corporate business owner, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, I-NY, on This Week with Christiane Amanpour July 24th show noted the tax rate here is actually lower than many countries.  If that is true, and as a billionaire corporate business owner he should know, then exactly what is it these people, this gang of misfits and malcontents had to have to ride this dog and pony show all the way to the near end.   Exactly how low would exactly be acceptable to the business culture? I have a theory, how about no restraints for them at all!  I mean let’s start here eliminate one of their all time favorites, ALL CORPORATE TAX RATES, no government oversight at all; no restraint.  Followed by let’s do away with government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, allow corporate Goliaths to get their guns off dumping as much toxic everything, everywhere, why not? Let them orchestrate a love canal on every street coast to coast, that’s what they really want.   How about this one do away with the Securities Exchange Commission, let the insiders trade all day long, set up more exotic, fictitious products and other items, let them raze Main Street repeatedly until there’s none left, after all that’s what they want.  Problem is what would that kind of United States would that look like to the rest of us?  The U.S. of What? How about the U.S. no more.

Maybe how about this for a construct, one of deliberate self annihilation, because the United States exists and thrives as the only way it can by way of debt and slave labor.  Let us follow the dots, stay tuned……






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